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Stary 17.05.2003, 11:29   #1
Młody żonkoś
Data rejestracji: 02.02.2003
Lokalizacja: Szczecin
Posty: 3,324
memorando zaczyna zdobywać reputację <1 - 49 pkt>
Jeżeli ktoś zna angielski perfekt proszę przetlumaczyć

Proszę o przetlumaczenie tego raportu kompatybilności mojej plyty głownej się tyczącego i wyjaśnienie czy na tej plycie w/g szczegółów technicznych podanych przez producenta czy ruszy u mnie amd k6 300Mhz proszę o wyjaśnienie co może ta plyta..

FIC***8217;s motherboards undergo a comprehensive suite of stringent software and hardware compatibility tests to ensure that they can not only run a complete range of operating systems and software packages, but that they can also be installed with a full selection of add-on cards and peripheral devices, such as VGA, SCSI, and network adapters as well as HDDs, FDDs, CD-ROM Drives and Fax/Modems. A board is deemed to have passed the compatibility testing suite when it has met the following criteria:
***8226; All application software available for IBM compatible products works properly.
***8226; All common internal and external hardware available to the IBM AT-Bus and PCI compatible systems functions properly.
***8226; All hardware and software can be installed according to the instructions provided to the user.
***8226; All legal configurations (IRQ , I/O addresses, DMA levels ) function properly.
***8226; All applications have been tested with and without drivers provided on the support disk.
***8226; All operating systems have been installed and tested with each processor, with and without the most critical mode selected by setup.

2. Mainboard Features
Model Name : VA-502 PCB Rev 1.1
Product Name : Pentium-Processor Based Mainboard
System BIOS : AWARD 6.17H90U
PCI IDE : Internal PCI Master dual IDE
I/O : SMC669QF

3. Mainboard CPU Supports:
Intel Processors Status Cyrix/IBM/ 6x86 Processors Status
Pentium 75MHz Pass 6x86-P120? at 100 MHz Pass
Pentium 90MHz Pass 6x86-P133? at 110MHz Pass
Pentium 100MHz Pass 6x86-P150? at 120MHz Pass
Pentium 133MHz Pass 6x86-P200? at 75MHz (V3.7) Pass
Pentium 150MHz Pass 6x86L-P166+ Pass
Pentium 166MHz Pass 6x86L-P200+ at 150MHz (V4.2) Pass
Pentium 200MHz Pass AMD-K5 Processors Status
Pentium with MMX 150MHz Pass AMD-K5 PR75 Pass
Pentium with MMX 166MHz Pass AMD-K5-PR90 Pass
Pentium with MMX 200MHz Pass AMD-K5 PR100 Pass
Pentium CTB-150MHz Pass AMD-K5 PR120 Pass
Pentium CTB-166MHz Pass AMD-K5 PR133 Pass
AMD-K6 Processors Status AMD-K5 PR150 Pass
AMD-K6-166 (2.9V) Pass AMD-K5 PR166 Pass
AMD-K6-200 (2.9V) Pass AMD-K5 PR133 ABR Pass
AMD-K6-233 (3.2V) Pass AMD-K5 PR200 ABX Pass
4 System Specification for Hardware and Software Utilities
The mainboard hardware portion was configured as follows :
Item Description
IO Corelogic SMC669QF Support Normal, EPP,ECP mode and IR interface
PCI Bus Clock Synchronous mode (depended on CPU Clock divide by 2)
Asynchronous mode (Cyrix 6x86-P200+ 75MHz/30MHz)
PCI IDE VIA VT82C586A internal Bus Master PCI IDE.
System Core Logic VIA VT82C580VPX
System Cache 256K / 512K Pipeline Burst SRAM
System Memory Maximum : 256MB
72 pins single RAS and Double RAS RAM Module
Fast Page / EDO
168 pins single RAS and Double RAS RAM Module
DIMM module support SDRAM
System Slots 4 PCI and 3 ISA slots

5. Jumper Function Verification
Description Jumper Name Default Option Status
BIOS Boot Block Select EP1 1-2 Pass
Clear Password Switch CPW Open Pass
CPU FAN Connector FAN Open Pass
CPU Clock Rate FREQ1/ FREQ2/FREQ3 2-3 / 1-2 /1-2 Pass
CPU Clock Selector CLK1/CLK2/CLK3 1-2 / 1-2 / 1-2 Pass
CPU Voltage Sector VR 3-4 Pass
IDE LED Connector IDE_LED Open Pass
Keyboard Lock and Power LED KB_LOCK Open Pass
Reset Switch RST Open Pass
Speaker Connector SPK Open Pass
Suspended Switch SUP_SW Open Pass
Turbo LED Connector TB_LED Open Pass
6. Field (Stress) Test: Dynamic Burn-in Tests
Software Name Duration Result
BAPCO 95 for Windows NT 24 hr. Pass
Test Configurations for NT Intel Pentium MMX 166MHz
On board 64MB Memory
Adaptec AHA 2940UW
Seagate Wide SCSI ST-32550W

Novell Server version 4.11 48 hr. Pass
Test Configurations for Novell Intel Pentium 166MHz
Adaptec AHA 3940
Quantum SCSI MA540S
3COM 3C595 10/100 PCI Netware card (Connect to 4-6
On board 64MB Memory
Test Program : Novell Nwtest
SCO UNIX Open Desktop 5.0 24 hr. Pass
Test Configurations for SCO Intel Pentium 166Mhz
Quantum Fireball 2.1GB TM2110S SCSI Disk
On board 64MB Memory
Test Program : Create a batch file
IBM OS/2 Warps 3.0 24 hr. Pass
Test Configurations for OS/2 Intel Pentium 166MHz
Quantum Fireball 1.2GB BF-1280A
On board 64MB Memory
Test program : Create Batch file

Winstone 97 Under WIN95 48hr. Pass
Test Configurations for Winstone 97 Intel Pentium MMX 166MHz
Quantum 1.2GB FB-1280A
On board 32MB Memory.
Test condition : Run continuous demo mode (Must skip dbase)

SYSmark 32 for Windows 95 24hr. Pass
Test Configurations for SYSmark 32 under Windows 95 Cyrix/IBM CPU 6x86 P166+
Quantum 1.2GB FB-1280A
On board 32MB Memory.
Test condition : Run continuous demo mode (Must skip dbase)

7. Base Operating Systems Certification Tests
Operating System Company HCT / SCT Name Result
IBM OS/2 Version 3.0 IBM OS/2 SCT 3.0 Pass
Test Configurations Intel Pentium 200MHz
On board 16MB Memory.
Windows NT Version 4.00 Microsoft Window NT SCT 4.00 Pass
Test Configurations Intel Pentium 200MHz
On board 16MB Memory.
Windows 95 Microsoft Window 95 SCT 5.40 Pass
Test Configurations Intel Pentium 200MHz
On board 16MB Memory.

8. Hardware Compatibility Test Suite
8.1 Memory
8.1.1 Pipeline Burst SRAM
Type Vendor Parts No Description Result
Cache TM T35L3232B-6Q 32Kx32 Pass
TM T35L6432A-6 64Kx32 Pass
Winbond W25P010AF-7 32Kx32 Pass
Winbond W25P022AF-6 64Kx32 Pass
Etron Tech EM531325-6 32Kx32 Pass
Galvantech GVT132C32Q-6 32Kx32 Pass

8.1.2 SIMM Module(FPM, EDO)
Type Vendor Parts No Description Result
EDO SEC KM416C1204AJ-60NS 8MB 72pin RAM module 60ns Pass
KM44C4104AK-60NS 16MB 72pin RAM module 60ns Pass
Hyunday Hy5118164B-60 8MB 72pin RAM module 60ns Pass
MICRON MT4C4007JDJ-60 4MB 72pin RAM module 60ns Pass
TOSHIBA M5117405A-60 16MB 72pin RAM module 60ns Pass
SIEMENS HYB5118165BSJ-60 4MB 72pin RAM module 60ns Pass
MITSUMI M5M418165BJ-60 8MB 72pin RAM module 60ns Pass
M5M418165BJ-60 16MB 72pin RAM module 60ns Pass
NEC 4218165-60 8MB 72pin RAM module 60ns Pass
4217405-60 16MB 72pin RAM module 60ns Pass
TI TMS418169DZ-60 8MB 72pin RAM module 60ns Pass
OKI M5118165A-60J 8MB 72pin RAM module 60ns Pass
M5117405A-60 16MB 72pin RAM module 60ns Pass
Fast Page Hyundai HY514400A 4MB 72pin RAM module 70ns Pass
Hy514400A 8MB 72pin RAM module 70ns Pass
Hy5117400JC-70 16MB 72pin RAM module 70ns Pass
Hitachi HM514400CLS7 4MB 72pin RAM module 70ns Pass
HM514400CLS7 8MB 72pin RAM module 70ns Pass
Mitsubishi M5M418160BJ-7 4MB 72pin RAM module 70ns Pass
M5M4100BJ-7 4MB 72pin RAM module 70ns Pass
FC1121 REV 1.0 8MB 72pin RAM module 70ns Pass
M5M417400AJ-7 16MB 72pin RAM module 70ns Pass
M5M417400BJ-7 16MB 72pin RAM module 70ns Pass
Micron MT-12D136G-7 4MB 72pin RAM module 70ns Pass
NEC 4217400-60 4MB 72pin RAM module 60ns Pass
4216100-60 64MB 72pin RAM module 60ns Pass
TI TMS418160-70DZ 4MB 72pin RAM module 70ns Pass
Toshiba TC514400ASJL-7 4MB 72pin RAM module 70ns Pass
TI TMS418169DZ-60 8MB 72pin RAM module 60ns Pass
OKI M5118165A-60J 8MB 72pin RAM module 60ns Pass
M5117405A-60 16MB 72pin RAM module 60ns Pass
8.1.3 DIMM Module(SDRAM)
Type Vendor Parts No Description Result
SDRAM Hitachi HM5216165TT-10 8MB 168pin RAM DIMM Pass
HM5216805TT-10 16MB 168pin RAM DIMM Pass
Hyundai HYM7V64200TFG-10 16MB168pin RAM DIMM Pass
IBM 0316169CT3B 8MB 168pin RAM DIMM Pass
0316169CT3B 16MB 168pin RAM DIMM Pass
LGS GMM2642233BL 16MB168pin RAM DIMM Pass
Mitsumi MH2S64CZTJ-15 16MB 168pin RAM DIMM Pass
MT MTBLSDT264AG-66 16MB168pin RAM DIMM Pass
SEC KM416S1120AT-10 16MB 168pin RAM DIMM Pass
KM416S1120AT-12 8MB 168pin RAM DIMM Pass
KMM366S203AT-G2 16MB 168pin RAM DIMM Pass
Toshiba THMY641031A-12 8MB 168pin RAM DIMM Pass
THMY641031A-12 16MB 168pin RAM DIMM Pass
THMY641051A-12 8MB 168pin RAM DIMM Pass
THMY641051A-12 16MB 168pin RAM DIMM Pass
THMY642051AEG-12 16MB 168pin RAM DIMM Pass
TI TMX626162DGE 8MB 168pin RAM DIMM Pass
TMX626162DGE 16MB 168pin RAM DIMM Pass
TX2SR64EPU-12A 16MB 168pin RAM DIMM Pass
NEC D4516161G5-7JF 8MB 168pin RAM DIMM Pass
D4516821G5-7JF 16MB 168pin RAM DIMM Pass
8.2 Add-on Cards
8.2.1 Display Adapter Products
Vendor Model Name Product Description Bus I/F Result
Alliance ProMotion AT24 Alliance Pro Motion AT24 PCI Pass
ATI Mach 64 Graphic Pro-Turbo 4MB PCI Pass
Mach 64 DRAM Mach 64 DRAM PCI Pass
Mach 64 VT Video Xpression 2MB PCI (3D) PCI Pass
Canopus Power Window T64V S3 86C765 2M DRAM (Japan) PCI Pass
Diamond Stealth 64 VRAM Stealth 64 2/4 MB VRAM (S3 968) PCI Pass
Stealth 64 Stealth 64 PCI VGA Card (S3 964) PCI Pass
Edge 3D 2120XL EDGE 3D 2120XL 2MB DRAM PCI Pass
Edge 3D 3240XL EDGE 3D 3240XL 2MB VRAM PCI Pass
FIC 1stGrafx-64P S3 764 1/2 MB DRAM PCI Pass
1st Grafx-65MP S3 765 1/2 MB DRAM PCI Pass
1st Grafx-65MP2 S3 775 1/2 MB EDO DRAM PCI Pass
1st Grafx-67MP S3 ViRGE 325 2M/4M EDO RAM PCI Pass
Hercules T2212 Graphite Terminator 64/Video PCI 2MB PCI Pass
GT1202 Graphite Terminator 64/DRAM PCI 2MB PCI Pass
GT3220 Graphite Terminator PCI PCI Pass
S3_Vision 968 S3_Vision968 PCI PCI Pass
I/O DATA GA-968V2/PCI S3 86C968P 2M VGA (Japan) PCI Pass
Leadtek Win Fast S280 Leadtek S3 765 1/2 MB DRAM PCI Pass
Win Fast S600 Leadtek S3 ViRGE 325 EDO DRAM PCI Pass
Matrox MAG-PCI/2 Matrox PCI 2MB VRAM PCI Pass
Millennium 3D Matrox 4MB VRAM PCI Pass
Mystique Matrox 2MB SGRAM PCI Pass
Matrox 4MB SGRAM PCI Pass
Number 9 Number 9 #9 GXE 64Pro PCI Pass
9FX Motion 331 #9 Motion 331 2MB DRAM PCI Pass
STB Power 64 S3 86C764-P 2M DRAM PCI Pass
Trident 9680 Trident 9680 2M DRAM PCI Pass
Tseng ET6000 Tseng Tseng ET6000 PCI VGA PCI Pass
8.2.2 SCSI Adapter Products
Vendor Model Name Product Description Bus I/F Result
Adaptec AHA-1530P Adaptec AHA-1530P ISA PnP SCSI ISA PnP Pass
AHA-1542CS/CP Adaptec AHA-1542C ISA PnP SCSI ISA PnP Pass
AHA-2940AU Adaptec AHA-2940AU PCI SCSI card PCI Pass
AHA-2940UW Adaptec AHA-2940UW PCI SCSI card PCI Pass
AHA-3940 Adaptec AHA-3940 PCI to PCI Bridge card PCI Pass
AHA-3985 Adaptec AHA-3985 PCI SCSI card PCI Pass
AHA-1520/22B Adaptec AHA-1520/22 ISA PnP SCSI ISA PnP Pass
AHA-2920 Adaptec AHA-2920 PCI SCSI PCI Pass
AHA-2940W Adaptec AHA-2940W PCI SCSI PCI Pass
AHA-1540CF Adaptec AHA-1540CF ISA SCSI ISA Pass
BusLogic BT-946 Buslogic BT-946 SCSI PCI Pass
FlashPoint LT Buslogic BA81C15 PCI SCSI PCI Pass
BT-948CD Buslogic BT-948CD PCI FWD SCSI PCI Pass
BT-956CD Buslogic BT-956CD PCI FWD SCSI PCI Pass
KT-958 Buslogic KT-958 Narrow SCSI PCI Pass
8.3.2 IDE Fixed Disk Drive Products
Vendor Model Name Product Description Bus I/F Result
Fujitsu M2684TA 540MB PIO mode 3 / DMA mode 0 IDE Pass
M3684TA 850MB PIO mode 3 / DMA mode 1 IDE Pass
IBM DPEA-31080 1GB PIO mode 3 / DMA Mode 0 IDE Pass
DJAA-21080 1.7 GB PIO Mode 4 / DMA Mode 1 IDE Pass
DJAA-31700 1.7 GB PIO Mode 4 / DMA Mode 1 IDE Pass
DHEA-36480 6.4 GB PIO Mode 4 / Ultra DMA/33 IDE Pass
Quantum BF-1280AT 5.25***8221; 1.2GB PIO mode 4 / DMA mode 2 IDE Pass
BF-2550AT 5.25***8221; 2.5GB PIO mode 4 / DMA mode 2 IDE Pass
FB-3200AT 3.5 3.2GB PIO mode 4 / DMA mode 2 IDE Pass
FB-3840AT 3.5 3.8GB PIO mode 4 / DMA mode 2 IDE Pass
SR-2550AT 3.5 2.5GB PIO mode 4 / DMA mode 2 IDE Pass
TM2110BT 3.5 2.1GB PIO mode 4 / DMA mode 2 IDE Pass
TM3200AT 3.5 3.2GB PIO mode 4 / DMA mode 2 IDE Pass
TM1280AT 3.5 1.28GB PIO mode 4 / DMA mode 2 IDE Pass
CY-2.1AT 5.25 2.1GB PIO mode 4 / DMA mode 2 IDE Pass
Maxtor 71084A 1.08GB PIO mode 4 / DMA mode 2 IDE Pass
72004AP 2.0GB PIO mode 4 / DMA mode 2 IDE Pass
NEC DSE1340A 1.3GB PIO mode 4 / DMA mode 2 IDE Pass
DSE1700A 1.6GB PIO mode 4 / DMA mode 2 IDE Pass
DSE2010A 2.0GB PIO mode 4 / DMA mode 2 IDE Pass
DSE2550A 2.5GB PIO mode 4 / DMA mode 2 IDE Pass
Seagate ST-32140A 2.1GB PIO mode 4 / DMA mode 2 IDE Pass
ST-31276A 1.2GB PIO mode 4 / DMA mode 2 IDE Pass
ST-52520A 2.5GB PIO mode 4 / DMA mode2 IDE Pass
ST-31082A 1GB PIO mode 4 / DMA mode 2 IDE Pass
ST-32132A 2.1GB PIO mode 4 / DMA mode 2 IDE Pass
ST-31720A 1.7GB PIO mode 4 / DMA mode 2 IDE Pass
ST-33240A 3.2GB PIO mode 4 / DMA mode 2 IDE Pass
Mitsumi D509V3 1.2MB Floppy Disk Drive FDC Pass
D359T3 1.44MB Floppy Disk Drive FDC Pass
D353T5 1.44MB Floppy 3 Mode Disk Drive FDC Pass
D353T6 1.44MB Floppy 3 Mode Disk Drvie FDC Pass
Panasonic JU-475-3AG1 1.2MB Floppy Disk Drive FDC Pass
JU-257 1.44 MB Floppy Disk Drive FDC Pass
JU-259 2.88 Floppy Disk Drive FDC Pass
Samsung SFD-321B/JB 1.44 MB Floppy Disk Drive FDC Pass
Sony MPF-520-1 1.44MB Floppy Disk Drive FDC Pass
TEAC FD-55GF 1.2 MB Floppy Disk Drive FDC Pass
FD-235HG 1.44 MB Floppy Disk Drive FDC Pass
FD-235J 2.88 Floppy Disk Drive FDC Pass
FD-235HF 3 Mode MB Floppy Disk Drive FDC Pass
YEDATA YD-380 1.2MB Floppy Disk Drive FDC Pass
YD-702J 1.44 MB Floppy Disk Drive FDC Pass
8.3.4 ATAPI CD-ROM Device Products
Vendor Model Name Product Description Bus I/F Result
Acer 665A-002 ATAPI CD-ROM Device 6X IDE Pass
685A-042 ATAPI CD-ROM Device 8X IDE Pass
GoldStar GCD-R580B ATAPI CD-ROM Device 8X IDE Pass
CDR-7930 ATAPI CD-ROM Device 8X IDE Pass
CDR-8130 ATAPI CD-ROM Device 12X IDE Pass
Goldstar CRD8160B OPTI-DRIVE 650MB IDE 16X CD-ROM IDE Pass
Mitsumi CRMC-FX810T ATAPI CD-ROM Device 8X IDE Pass
Panasonic CDR-1400A ATAPI CD-ROM Device 8X IDE Pass
CDU311-10 ATAPI CD-ROM Device 8X IDE Pass
Panasonic CR-584B OPTI-DRIVE 650MB 12X IDE CD-ROM IDE Pass
Sony SCR-830 ATAPI CD-ROM Device 8X IDE Pass
CDD-820 ATAPI CD-ROM Device 8X IDE Pass
Wearnes CDD-1620 OPTI-DRIVE 650MB IDE 16X CD-ROM IDE Pass
8.3.5 ATAPI Disk Drive ( IDE Interface )
Vendor Product Description Bus I/F Result
Mistsubishi MF357G-111MA LSA-120 IDE Pass
Panasonic LKM-F434-105 LS-120 IDE Pass
Zip Z100 Zip IDE DRIVE 29ms 100MB IDE Pass
8.4 Peripherals
8.4.1 Printer Peripheral Products
Vendor Model Name Product Description Bus I/F Result
Actisys ACT-IR210L InfraRed Computer Link LPT Pass
D-Link DE-EPP D-Link EPP Pocket LAN LPT Pass
HP LaserJet III HP LaserJet III LPT Pass
LaserJet 5P HP LaserJet 5P support IR Interface LPT Pass
Road Express T305 External Parallel Port Tape Backup LPT Pass
Runner Express FD144 External Parallel Port Floppy Drive LPT Pass
Express CD-4X External Parallel Port CD-ROM Driver LPT Pass
Express XD External Parallel Port Hard Driver LPT Pass
Up-select External EPP SCSI BOX LPT Pass
Zip ZIP100 Iomega ZIP 100 Parallel port LPT Pass
8.4.2 Mouse Products
Vendor Model Name Product Description Bus I/F Result
Actisys ACT-IR220-L InfraRed Computer Link Serial Pass
Genius Serial Serial Mouse 3-Button Serial Pass
LEO AD-M36 Serial Mouse 3-Button Serial Pass
Logitech M-S34 PS/2 compatible Mouse PS/2 Pass
M-M34 Serial Mouse Serial Pass
KYE Niche-N201 Serial Mouse (2 button) Serial Pass
Mouse one 2B Serial Mouse (2 button) & Pad Serial Pass
Mouse one 3B Serial Mouse (3 button) & Pad Serial Pass
Microsoft Microsoft Mouse Microsoft Serial - PS/2 Mouse Serial/ PS2 Pass
NEC M-S28 Serial Mouse Serial Pass
Qtronix Lynx-25P PS/2 Compatible Mouse PS/2 Pass
Lynx-25S Serial Mouse Serial Pass

8.4.3 USB Device Products
Type Vendor Parts No Description Result
Joystick Paramount USB Joystick Pass
Keyboard Silitek USB Keyboard Pass
Mouse Logitech M-UA35 USB Mouse Pass

8.4.4 Joystick & Game Pad
Vendor Product Description Result
Gravis Game Pad Pro Pass
Microsoft SideWinder 3D Pro Pass

8.5 Multimedia
8.5.1 Sound Blaster Products
Vendor Model Name Product Description Bus I/F Result
Advance ALS-100 Advance Logic PnP Sound ISA PnP Pass
AMD Inter Wave AMD AM78C201KC PnP Sound ISA PnP Pass
AZTECH Waverider 32+ Aztech Sound Galaxy Waverider 32+ ISA Pass
AZT2320 Aztech Waverider32 + PnP ISA Pass
Creative AWE32 Creative AWE32 Sound Blaster ISA PnP Pass
CT-2890 Creative ISA PnP Sound Blaster ISA PnP Pass
CT-2940 Creative ISA PnP Sound Blaster ISA PnP Pass
CT-2950 Creative ISA PnP Sound Blaster ISA PnP Pass
CT-3600 Creative ISA PnP Sound Blaster ISA PnP Pass
CT-3990 Creative ISA PnP Sound Blaster ISA PnP Pass
CT-2760 Creative ISA PnP Sound Blaster ISA PnP Pass
CT-3620 Creative ISA PnP Sound Blaster ISA PnP Pass
Diamond Multimedia Kit 6000 Diamond Viper Multimedia Kit 6000 ISA Pass
ESS ESS-1688 ESS ISA PnP Sound Blaster ISA PnP Pass
ESS-1868 ESS ISA PnP Sound Blaster ISA PnP Pass
ESS-1788 ESS ISA PnP Sound Blaster ISA PnP Pass
Everex Wave Machine Crystal CS4332 PnP Sound card ISA PnP Pass
Fomosa SC-1650 Ginaaction Sound Conductor 16 PnP ISA PnP Pass
SC-1670W/1670W+3D 16PNP Sound Card ISA Bus ISA PnP Pass
SC-1671/1671+3D 16PNP Sound Card ISA Bus ISA PnP Pass
SC200/SC200+3D 16PNP Sound Card ISA Bus ISA PnP Pass
Ultra Sound Card Ultra Sound Blaster ISA PnP Pass

8.5.2 MPEG Video Products
Vendor Model Name Product Description Bus I/F Result
Creative Video Blaster SE-100 Creative SE-100 MPEG card ISA Pass
Video Blaster CT-6000 Creative CT-6000 Video Capture board ISA Pass
FIC 1stGrafx-CP3 S3 443 1/2 DRAM PCI Pass
Formosa MPEG-MP020 Formosa Full Function MPEG card ISA Pass
MPEG-MP021 Formosa Full screen MPEG ISA Pass
TV-Tuner Formosa TV-Tuner board ISA Pass
MPEG-MP011A Formosa Full Function MPEG Short card ISA Pass
RealMagic MPEG Real Magic Full Function MPEG card ISA Pass

8.5.3 TV Tuner Display Products
Vendor Model Name Product Description Bus I/F Result
AITech AITech vision for Multimedia Wave Watcher TV-II ISA Pass
Diamond DTV 1100 Diamond Multimedia Upgrade ISA Pass
Matrox Media TV Media TV MGA Millennium ISA Pass
8.6 Power Supply Products
Vendor Model Name Product Description Result
Enhance E520 200W 110/ 220 V PS II Pass
V520 200W 110/ 220 V PS II Pass
V515 150W 110/ 220 V PS II Pass
Lead Year ESP-2200 200W 110 / 220 V PS II Pass
Seventeam ST-230WHF 230W 110 / 220 VPS II Pass
ST-211WHF 200W 110 / 220 VPS II Pass

9. Software Compatibility Test Suite
9.1 Base Operating System
The board is tested to ensure that it runs a complete a range of Operating Systems and thus operate in all network environments The board***8217;s Power Management and Remote functions are also tested.
Operating System Version Language Company Status
IBM DOS 7.0 German IBM Pass
IBM OS/2 Warp 4.0 English IBM Pass
3.0 German IBM Pass
MS DOS 6.22 English Microsoft Pass
6.22 German Microsoft Pass
MS Windows 95 950b English Microsoft Pass
950b Chinese Microsoft Pass
Novell Network 3.12 English Novell Pass
Novell Network 4.10 English Novell Pass
Novell Network 4.11 English Novell Pass
Windows for Workgroups 3.11 English Microsoft Pass
Windows NT Advance Server 3.51 English Microsoft Pass
Windows NT Server 4.0 English Microsoft Pass
Windows NT Server 4.0 Chinese Microsoft Pass
Windows NT Workstation 3.51 English Microsoft Pass
Windows NT Workstation 4.0 English Microsoft Pass

9.2 Operating System for Japanese
Operating System Version Language Company Status
IBM OS/2 Warp 3.0 Japanese IBM Pass
Lotus Windows 95 Super Office96 Japanese Microsoft Pass
Microsoft Office Designed for Windwos95 7.0 Japanese Microsoft Pass
MS Windows 95 4.0a Japanese Microsoft Pass
Novell Network 4.11 Japanese Novell Pass
Windows NT Workstation 4.0 Japanese Microsoft Pass
Windows NT Server 4.0 Japanese Microsoft Pass

9.3 Software Applications
Item Descriptions Version O.S. Language Status
Suites Lotus SMART Suites 96 1.0 Windows 95 English Pass
MS Work for Windows 3.0 Windows English Pass
MS Work for Windows95 4.0 Windows 95 English Pass
MS Office for Windows 4.3 Windows English Pass
MS Office for Windows 4.3 Windows Chinese Pass
MS Office 97 for Windows95 7.0 Windows 95 English Pass
Word Processor PE III (DW3) 4.0 DOS English Pass
AMI Pro for Windows 3.1 Windows English Pass
AMI Pro for Windows 3.1 Windows Chinese Pass
Word Pro for Windows96 Windows Chinese Pass
MS Word for Windows 6.0 Windows English Pass
MS Word for Windows 6.0 Windows Chinese Pass
Word Prefect for Windows 6.0 Windows English Pass
WordPerfect 6.0 Windows English Pass
Communication cc: Mail/Add-on Windows English Pass
BITWare 3.30 Windows 95 English Pass
Delrina CommSuite 1.0 Windows 95 English Pass
WinFAX Pro 7.0 Windows 95 English Pass
WinFAX Pro for Win 95 4.0 Windows 95 English Pass
LapLink 7.0A Windows 95 English Pass
Norton Anywhere 1.0 Windows English Pass
CAD 3D Disign Plus 2.0 Windows English Pass
AutoCAD R13 DOS English Pass
AutoCAD R13 Windows 95 English Pass
Animator Pro 1.3 DOS English Pass
OrCAD 4.20 DOS English Pass
3D Studio 4.0 DOS English Pass
Micro Station 5.0 Windows English Pass
PCAD 4.5 DOS English Pass
Database Approach 96 1.0 Windows 95 English Pass
Lotus Notes 4.0 Windows 95 English Pass
Notes 3.0 Windows Chinese Pass
Borland Visual Dbase 5.5 Windows 95 English Pass
Visual Foxpro 3.0A Windows 95 English Pass
Visual dBASE Compiler 5.5 Windows 95 English Pass
DBASE IV 2.0 DOS English Pass
FoxBase Microsoft 2.1 Windows English Pass
FoxPro Microsoft 2.6 Windows English Pass

Item Descriptions Version O.S. Language Status
Graphics Corel Draw 6.0 Windows 95 English Pass
Corel Draw 6.0 Windows 95 Chinese Pass
Fractul Design Painter 4.0 Windows 95 English Pass
Windows Draw 3.0 Windows English Pass
MS PowerPoint 4.0 Windows English Pass
Designer 4.1 Windows English Pass
Pagemaker 6.5 Windows 95 English Pass
Visio HOME 4.0 Windows 95 English Pass
Photo Shop Pro 3.05 Windows 95 English Pass
MS-Publisher 3.0 Windows 95 English Pass
Presentation MS PowerPoint 7.0 Windows 95 English Pass
Program MS Visual Basic 4.0 Windows 95 English Pass
MS Visual C++ 4.0 Windows 95 English Pass
Macro Assembler 6.11 DOS English Pass
Borland C++ 4.0 Windows English Pass
Borland C++ 5.0 Windows 95 English Pass
Turbo C++ 3.1 Windows English Pass
Borland Delphi 2.0 Windows 95 English Pass
Diagnostic Bapco95 for Win NT 1.0 Windows NT English Pass
Program Bapco95 for Win 95 1.0 Windows 95 English Pass
PC Magazine Winstone 97 1.0 Windows 95 English Pass
Speed for Win95 3.0 Windows English Pass
QAPlus 5.50 DOS English Pass
QAPlus 7.0 Windows 95 English Pass
Landmark(Speedcom) 2.0 DOS English Pass
QAPlus 4.8 DOS English Pass
Check IT Pro 3.0 Windows 95 English Pass
Tools AfterDark 3.0 DOS English Pass
AfterDark 3.0 Windows English Pass
AfterDark for Win95 3.0 Windows 95 English Pass
Xing Soft MPEG Player 3.0 Windows 95 English Pass
Central Point Backup 1.0 Windows English Pass
Desq View386 2.7 Windows English Pass
Norton Backup 2.2 Windows English Pass
Norton Commander 5.0 DOS English Pass
Norton Desktop 3.0 Windows English Pass
Norton Utility 9.0 Windows 95 English Pass
Norton Utility 8.0 Windows English Pass
Microsoft Plus! 1.0 Windows 95 English Pass
Microsoft Plus! 1.0 Windows 95 Chinese Pass
QEMM386 8.00 Windows 95 English Pass
Sidekick 2.0 DOS English Pass

Item Descriptions Version O.S. Language Status
Time Management MS Project 4.1 Windows 95 English Pass
Organizer 2.1T Windows Chinese Pass
Scan PC-cillin 97 5.0 Windows 95 English Pass
Norton Antivirus 2.0 Windows 95 English Pass
Internet Winsock 1.0 Windows 95 English Pass
Netscape 3.01 Windows 95 English Pass
Internet Explore 2.0/3.0 Windows 95 English Pass
Winspan 4.0 Windows English Pass
CD Title Game 3D Vltra Pin Ball 1.0 Windows 95 English Pass
Duke Nukem 3D 1.0 DOS English Pass
Toy Story 1.0 Windos English Pass
Mech Warrior2 1.0 Windows 95 English Pass
AH-64D longbow 1.0 DOS English Pass
NFL Football Trivia Challenge 1.0 DOS English Pass
Wing Commander III 4.0 DOS English Pass
MYST 1.0 Windows 95 English Pass
Indy Car II Racing 1.0 DOS English Pass
International Tennis Open 1.0 DOS English Pass
Escape from Cyber City 1.0 DOS English Pass
HAVOC 1.0 Window 95 English Pass
Flight Unlimited 1.0 DOS Chinese Pass
Flight Unlimited 1.0 DOS Chinese Pass
Day of the TenTacle Chinese Pass
Day of the TenTacle Chinese Pass
Descent English Pass
Tle Fighter Wars English Pass
BLIZZARD Win95 or NT4.0 English Pass
FRONT LINES Chinese Pass
Command & Conquer Red Alert English Pass
Master of Orion II Battle at Antares WIN95 English Pass
Command & Conquer English Pass
Broken & Word English Pass
War Wind WIN95 English Pass
Hellbender WIN95 English Pass
The Beast Within English Pass
Item Descriptions Version O.S. Language Status
Gamebreak English Pass
CD Title Cinderella Windows English Pass
Multimedia LivingBook GrandMa&Me Windows English Pass
Top Gun Windows English Pass
Multimedia SuperPack Windows English Pass
Compton***8217;s Interactive Encyclopedia Windows English Pass
Adams Family Windows English Pass
Blank Rain Windows English Pass
CD Title Action 3.0 Windows English Pass
Calendar Address Book Windows English Pass
The Ultrasound CD Windows English Pass
TripMaker Windows English Pass
Tools AfterDark 3.0 DOS English Pass
AfterDark 3.0 Windows English Pass
AfterDark for Win95 3.0 Windows 95 English Pass
Xing Soft MPEG Player 3.0 Windows 95 English Pass
Central Point Backup 1.0 Windows English Pass
Desq View386 2.7 Windows English Pass
Norton Backup 2.2 Windows English Pass
Norton Commander 5.0 DOS English Pass
Norton Desktop 3.0 Windows English Pass
Norton Utility 9.0 Windows 95 English Pass
Norton Utility 8.0 Windows English Pass
Microsoft Plus! 1.0 Windows 95 English Pass
Microsoft Plus! 1.0 Windows 95 Chinese Pass
QEMM386 8.00 Windows 95 English Pass
Sidekick 2.0 DOS English Pass

TimeManagement MS Project 4.1 Windows 95 English Pass
Organizer 2.1T Windows Chinese Pass
Scan PC-cillin 97 5.0 Windows 95 English Pass
Norton Antivirus 2.0 Windows 95 English Pass
Internet Internet Explore 2.0/3.0 Windows 95 English Pass
Netscape 3.01 Windows 95 English Pass
Winsock 1.0 Windows 95 English Pass
Winspan 4.0 Windows English Pass
8.3.3 Floppy Disk Drive Products
Vendor Model Name Product Description Bus I/F Result
EPSON SMD-1340-301 1.2MB Floppy Disk Drive FDC Pass
SMD-1304-301 1.44 MB Floppy Disk Drive FDC Pass
Dotyk idący daleko poza definicję słowa instynkt...Julio Cortazar
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Data rejestracji: 29.12.2008
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Stary 17.05.2003, 11:41   #2
Avatar użytkownika +++LeWaP+++
Data rejestracji: 17.04.2002
Lokalizacja: Kłodzko
Posty: 2,534
+++LeWaP+++ zaczyna zdobywać reputację <1 - 49 pkt>
3. Mainboard CPU Supports:
Intel Processors Status Cyrix/IBM/ 6x86 Processors Status
Pentium 75MHz Pass 6x86-P120? at 100 MHz Pass
Pentium 90MHz Pass 6x86-P133? at 110MHz Pass
Pentium 100MHz Pass 6x86-P150? at 120MHz Pass
Pentium 133MHz Pass 6x86-P200? at 75MHz (V3.7) Pass
Pentium 150MHz Pass 6x86L-P166+ Pass
Pentium 166MHz Pass 6x86L-P200+ at 150MHz (V4.2) Pass
Pentium 200MHz Pass AMD-K5 Processors Status
Pentium with MMX 150MHz Pass AMD-K5 PR75 Pass
Pentium with MMX 166MHz Pass AMD-K5-PR90 Pass
Pentium with MMX 200MHz Pass AMD-K5 PR100 Pass
Pentium CTB-150MHz Pass AMD-K5 PR120 Pass
Pentium CTB-166MHz Pass AMD-K5 PR133 Pass
AMD-K6 Processors Status AMD-K5 PR150 Pass
AMD-K6-166 (2.9V) Pass AMD-K5 PR166 Pass
AMD-K6-200 (2.9V) Pass AMD-K5 PR133 ABR Pass
AMD-K6-233 (3.2V) Pass AMD-K5 PR200 ABX Pass

wg powyższej instrukcji amd k6 300 raczej nie pójdzie

to stara płyta i ma na pewno fsb max 66MHz

czyly 300 / 66 = mnożnik 4.5

Jeżeli taki masz to możesz próbować.

Sprawdź jeszcze napięcie VCORE na CPU i czy twoj apłyta takie daje / ma ustawione...
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