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Stary 28.04.2002, 00:03   #1
Data rejestracji: 27.03.2002
Posty: 38
Kusiu zaczyna zdobywać reputację <1 - 49 pkt>
Co wiecie o biosie 1.04 do LG GCE-8320B ?

Tak jak w temacie.
Co poprawiają one poprawiają?
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Stary 28.04.2002, 04:03   #2
Wyjadacz ;)
Data rejestracji: 03.03.2002
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Kusiu (28-04-2002 00:03):
Tak jak w temacie.
Co poprawiają one poprawiają?
a napisz tak, zeby bylo zrozumiale

proponuje lekture strony producenta,
cz jest offline  
Stary 28.04.2002, 11:53   #3
Data rejestracji: 27.03.2002
Posty: 38
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Oczywiście miało być "Co one poprawiają?"
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Stary 28.04.2002, 21:10   #4
Face OFF
Stały bywalec ;)
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Data rejestracji: 19.02.2002
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Ja już zmieniłem sobie bios ale co on zmienia to jeszcze nie wiem A na stronie producenta nic nie ma o tym mowy, ba nawet o tym biosie nic nie ma na www.lg.pl chyba ze cos jest na Korei.

P.s. Misiek mógłby zaczerpnąć wiedzy na ten temat od LG Polska
.................................................. .............
Face OFF
To co bywa proste czasem bywa TRUDNE
Kazdy z nas jest aktorem a zycie to jeden wielki film ...
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Stary 28.04.2002, 22:05   #5
Data rejestracji: 26.02.2002
Posty: 65
MadMan w tym momencie nie ma Reputacji dodatnich ani ujemnych <0  pkt>
I po co sie rzucac i szybko zmieniac firmware jak nie jest on pewny bo nawet na stronie producenta nic o nim nie ma, a nagrywarka i z tym starym chodzi OK. Ja raz tak zrobilem z LG 8080B i jedyna zmiana to to, że sie jedna dioda nie paliła wcale a druga palila sie zarowno przy odczycie jak i zapisie.
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Stary 29.04.2002, 00:22   #6
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Data rejestracji: 08.04.2002
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Właśnie skończyłem większość testów FW w ver 1.04, i jak na razie nie znalazłem ANI JEDNEJ różnicy (co nie ozncza że nie ma żadnych - znaczy tylko że nie mogę ich znaleźć) Najprawdopodobniej dodano tylko ilość obsługiwanych płyt. Przeprowadziłem testy w NeroCD Speed, Nero Information Tool, I kilku programach do nagrywania, po zakończeniu porównałem testy (jedyne różnica jakią znalazłem to zamiast stringa 1.01 mam 1.04 ) Sprawdziłem m.in. czas nagrywania, ripowania audio, czasy dostępu itp. Jak do tej pory nie sprawdzałem : kopiowania SD 2.5xx (możliwa zmiana prędkości odczytu płyty), overread lead-in i lead-out (może nastąpiła tu zmiana, i teraz CDS100 i 200 w końcu da się skopiować. To na razie tyle....
Komputer został stworzony po to, aby ludziom życie ułatwić, a ziemia jest płaska....
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Stary 01.05.2002, 00:13   #7
Data rejestracji: 12.04.2002
Posty: 61
JerzyR w tym momencie nie ma Reputacji dodatnich ani ujemnych <0  pkt>
Na stronie producenta są jakieś info o nowym biosie - coś o Nero, WinXP ale dla dokładnego tłumaczenia potrzebny jest jakiś koreańczyk - cholera nie mogą pisać po angielsku?!
Jeśli ktoś zna język to podaję link
http://www.lgservice.co.kr/docs/graph/ec_sws_detail.jsp?aSeqNum=356&aTotal=306&aPage=1&P rod=A&aOS=A&aIndex=
Proszę przesłać mi tłumaczenie...
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Stary 02.05.2002, 00:17   #8
Stały bywalec ;)
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Data rejestracji: 03.02.2002
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na stronie LG ze specyfikacja sprzetu obok predkosci zapisu RW x10 widnieje w nawiasie liczba 12. Czy to nie jest przypadkiem spowodowane ukazaniem sie biosu 1.04?
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Stary 12.05.2002, 11:11   #9
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Data rejestracji: 12.05.2002
Posty: 2
arekm w tym momencie nie ma Reputacji dodatnich ani ujemnych <0  pkt>
LG it is a GCE-8320B 1.04 Version firmware. After knock-down
receiving file 2 thing which it attaches " it reads a Leadme " txt
file certainly and after protecting life firmware ep it does that
RAID, it wishes.

Tłumaczenie z automata więc pokręcone maksymalnie:

Attention fact - This firmware domestic affection width firmware is the bay ep that RAID does in domestic affection width one case. The calendar product is the domestic OEM product (LG-IBM PC inclusion) ep that RAID does not do rolls up with this firmware.
* Against the calendar product it does not provide a firmware. When in the calendar product ep that RAID it does with domestic affection width firmware, ep that RAID does not become ep that RAID becomes to be the over could occur in the product, responsibility support it is not from the over occurrence hour our company.
* The product which in domestic OEM PC is affixed firmware requests at that OEM enterprise.

- This firmware is the firmware where the use is possible in LG GCE-8320B model of TRAY method. In only the identical model one case ep that RAID does with firmware.
- The size of this firmware Zip file 316KB (323,827 bites) is dosage. When knock-down after receiving, it confirms registration information or an attribute from the window search flag from and it is accurate and is not the identical dosage, the knock-down road coat problem occurring ep that RAID it does not do roll up. Once the knock-down road do more and try if sameness having an over to server is el after E the knock-down road receive again a dosage confirmation and and. The cotton where the dosage is identical ep that RAID do.
- This firmware is 1.04 pe cyen that pe cyen to use, when it is, ep that RAID it does not do roll up.
* Firmware pe cyen the confirmation law ***9312; it is recorded on product top Label, ***9313; the confirmation use OS of at window Win98/WinMe one case " start - set - control board, - system registration information - system manager -CDROM registration information - from set " the confirmation possible use OS confirms a confirmation impossible => product top Label at Win2000/NT/XP one case window
- This firmware basic is the firmware which improves the collision problem of the Recording Tool which is loaded and in Nero burningRom program formal support and the WinXP. ep That RAID do the bay firmware in the case which will agree with the fringe land contents of that over condition the over of the product to occur and firmware. Firmware ep that RAID firmware ep that RAID hour the worry which will go wrong is the case which will not be over to the product and over condition occurs in order for the hardware fringe land of the product to come to accomplish, the case where that over condition will not agree with a firmware fringe land contents ep that RAID it is good most not to do. - When firmware ep the problem occurs in the product which is caused by with that RAID, firmware ep in that RAID or ep the defective condition after that RAID is occurred the poem which product inspection will receive a contents to inform " meaning of a passage proposal " of LG home page (www.lge.co.kr) with certainly to inform.
- Firmware ep that RAID method attitude is being recorded a firmware file refers it in that file of the place where the compression cancellation hour Txt file appears. ***9758; Firmware ep that RAID method The GED8320B104.ZIP with the case lower part which compression will cancel a file 2 files get together. <- ***54156;***50920;***50612; ***50629;***44536;***47112;***51060;***46300; ***49892;***54665;***54028;***51068;
je3lg409.hex <- ***54156;***50920;***50612; ***50629;***44536;***47112;***51060;***46300; ***45936;***51060;***53552; ***54028;***51068; MS-DOS ***51204;***50857; ***54532;***47196;***44536;***47016;***51004;***47196;, WINDOWS***51032; ***54620;***44544; MS-DOS ***52285;***51060;***45208; ***47749;***47161;***54532;***47212;***54532;***53944; ***52285;***50640;***49436;***45716; ***49892;***54665;***51060; ***46104;***51648; ***50506;***44144;***45208; ***50640;***47084;***44032; ***48156;***49373;***54624; ***49688; ***51080;***49845;***45768;***45796;.
* WINDOWS'98***50640;***49436;***45716; ***49884;***49828;***53596; ***48512;***54021;***49884; ***49884;***49828;***53596; ***48148;***51060;***50724;***49828; ***52404;***53356;***44032; ***45149;***45212; ***54980; ***51201;***45817;***54620; ***49884;***44592;***50640; ***48120;***47532; The je3.exe firmware carries must do thu consecutively from DOS mode.
* From the WinME/Win2000/WinXP because is not DOS mode the father thing due to the diskette the }a{: The father thing the printed style of writing must use in }ms{-DOS mode.
- Issue which it produces from the Win98se thing the case which will be the diskette: From the CMOS the father thing it becomes with the flow blood diskette and the Setting it does and the father thing after one firmware ep that RAID execution
- issue which it produces from the Win98se thing is not the diskette from the directory which is firmware file and issue which it produces from the different OS thing diskette one case: The CD-ROM it does not become automatic recognition the knock-down road it receives CD-ROM Install Driver from the S/W data thread of LG home page, -> the father thing with the diskette the father thing -> the Install it does with the CD-ROM Install diskette and after recognizing the CD-ROM, from the directory which is firmware file firmware ep that RAID execution Use method?

0. The CD-ROM when inside driving there is a CD, it removes the CD. In order to become, after connecting with an independence in SECONDARY MASTER, it uses.
1. The je3.exe, the directory which is je3lg409.hex file (the }c{: \) From with lower part it inputs together. }c{: \}je{3 je3lg409.hex
2. The CD-ROM the drive whole surface non it peels, ppak and, after short time ep that RAID is over.
3. ep To after that RAID currently to indicate a condition it will be able to confirm a condition easily by the screen. Before absolute condition confirming ep it discontinues that RAID re-department thing it does not do roll up.
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