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dydel 04.04.2017 14:14

Ogarnąłem u siebie - gram tak jak Pan Jezus powiedział z pendrive ;P
Ogólnie każda gra którą mam w domu działa - nie musiałem używać patchy np: do CTR.
Kiedyś znalazłem jaką paczkę patchy do gier, każdy patch miał rozszerzenie .bin - jak się to to używa?

I czy tylko ja mam wrażenie że ten POPStarter daje kopa grą z PS1?

Berion 05.04.2017 00:38

Z ruskim patchem się używa. ;] Powinien być dołączony do łaty.


I czy tylko ja mam wrażenie że ten POPStarter daje kopa grą z PS1?
Przetłumacz nam to zdanie. :P

Meanthord 05.04.2017 06:55

Ja przetłumaczę, bo mam takie samo wrażenie :P. Albo to złudzenie, albo serio gry wyglądają trochę ładniej, szybciej się wczytują (to akurat nie jest dziwne), ogólnie są jakieś takie fajniejsze :P. W każdym razie lepiej grało mi się na POPSie, niż po prostu wkładając płytę PSX do PS2.

M@X 05.04.2017 11:12


Napisany przez Berion (Post 1381671)
Z ruskim patchem się używa. ;]

Tak mało narodowo? Wstyd! :P

dydel 05.04.2017 15:15


Napisany przez Berion (Post 1381671)
Z ruskim patchem się używa. ;] Powinien być dołączony do łaty.

Przetłumacz nam to zdanie. :P

No dam prosty przykład gry która mocno obciążała PS1 i emu w PSP.
Red Alert: Retaliation

Nawet zwykła rozgrywka z jednym graczem w trybie Skirmish potrafiła z płynnej gry zrobić pokaz slajdów ( mimo ustawienia prędkości gry na turbo ).

Zrobiłem test - 3 CPU na HARD plus Ja i... jest tak samo płynnie jak na kompie, żadnego pokazu slajdów mimo że nasyłane były na mnie konkretne fale wrogów.

Jolek 10.05.2017 17:49

PSXVCD by englishl1989
Ilość załączników: 1
Dzięki tej aplikacji można:
1. Dodawać wiele plików (.zip, .7z, .rar, .ecm, .bin, .cue) aby je skonwertować na *.VCD
2. Wybrać urządzenie z którego będziemy korzystać (USB, iHDD, SMB), a program zmieni nazwę pliku i zapisze (VCD, ELF) je we właściwym formacie i lokalizacji.
3. Całe rozpakowywanie i dekompresowanie odbywa się automatycznie.
4. To narzędzie również pozwala na naprawę "problemu" gdzie gry mają wiele ścieżek\utworów poprzez połączenie ich do jednej ścieżki (track).
5. Jeśli używasz OPL, można wygenerować plik "conf_elm.cfg" dzięki któremu będzie można uruchamiać gry prosto z OPL (zakładka POPS w OPL Daily Build).

Jeżeli używasz "zwykłego" OPL, należy zmienić plik "conf_elm.cfg" na "conf_apps.cfg" i gry pojawią się w zakładce APPS.


- changed application version so it uses 2 digit notation instead of 4
- now using 7z.exe instead of 7za.exe to allow full support when extracting RAR archives
- archives contained within archives are expanded recursively (up to a maximum depth of 15)
- conf_elm.cfg generator no longer adds .ELF to game names
- checking for valid extensions when adding or dropping files into main window is now case-insensitive
- when adding a bin file, the program will check all cue files in the same directory to see if any reference the selected bin file. If a match is found the cue file is used instead
- debugging improved
- fixed bug where bin files aren't copied to the working directory when a cue file is selected
- fixed bug where the VCD file was being prepended with XX or SB. This only needs to happen on the ELF files
- fixed bug where user wasn't able to select a root directory as destination
- initial release



Berion 11.05.2017 00:10

"ECM? A co to? A komu to potrzebne?" ;) Pamiętam ten kompresor, ulubiony piracki swego czasu.

A tak z ciekawości. Od czego wzięło się określenie VCD (bo przecież nie jest to Video-CD)? I czym to się różni od normalnego obrazu gry na PSX? Ktoś coś? ;]

@ M@X
Gorzej, ja nawet używam ruskiego 7-Zipa. Wyborny program. ;)

Meanthord 11.05.2017 06:16

ECM - ulubiony format gier PSX ściąganych z emuparadise. Zagadka wyjaśniona czemu jest support tych plików w programie ;P.

Jolek 20.05.2017 18:18

PSXVCD by englishl1989 1.4
Ilość załączników: 1
Nowa wersja PSXVCD 1.4.


- when loading cue files the application checks if the bin file contained within it exists so that CUE2POPS does not crash silently.
- adding check for updates which links to as various forums are now hosting the application

- custom paths can be set for elf files
- vcd volume / folder can be picked from POPS to POPS9
- when opening the about page all 3rd party tools are scanned to show the version of the tool. This allows users to install custom or updated tools (for example when a new version of popstarter is released)
- conf_elf generator replaced with OPL File Generator so conf_elm.cfg and conf_apps.cfg files can be generated
- OPL File Generator entries are automatically de-duped based on elf path
- when adding an existing OPL File each elf path is checked against current custom path settings. If they do not match the user is asked if they want to bulk update the paths to match current settings
- when setting a new custom path, existing entries can be updated to adhere to the new path setting
- duplicate names can be highlighted in red so the user can rename them. This is due to a bug in OPL not showing games with duplicate names
- using .net framework v4 client profile instead of .net v4.5 to support older operating systems (including Windows XP)
- downgraded binmerge to python 3.4 to support older operating systems (including Windows XP)
- recompiled binmerge to version 1.1

- changed application version so it uses 2 digit notation instead of 4
- now using 7z.exe instead of 7za.exe to allow full support when extracting RAR archives
- archives contained within archives are expanded recursively (up to a maximum depth of 15)
- conf_elm.cfg generator no longer adds .ELF to game names
- checking for valid extensions when adding or dropping files into main window is now case-insensitive
- when adding a bin file, the program will check all cue files in the same directory to see if any reference the selected bin file. If a match is found the cue file is used instead
- debugging improved
- fixed bug where bin files aren't copied to the working directory when a cue file is selected
- fixed bug where the VCD file was being prepended with XX or SB. This only needs to happen on the ELF files
- fixed bug where user wasn't able to select a root directory as destination
- initial release

7z MD5: 2c1bc6a77f008e36d8e6c46c3d063b28

Jolek 03.07.2017 18:33

PSXVCD by englishl1989 1.5
Ilość załączników: 1
Nowa wersja 1.5:


- added error detection when reading and writing to disk to prevent unexpected program crashes
- added update downloader / installer as various forums are now hosting the application
- added support for tar archives
- added support for iso / img files
- added the ability to add a directory to the list of files to be converted
- added Monkey's Audio to tools directory
- CDDA audio in APE or WAV format is converted to a BIN file and merged into the final VCD file
- CUE generator has been updated to look for CDDA audio and generate the correct cuesheet required for merging CDDA audio
- when debugging is enabled the working files in %temp% are not automatically deleted - you should delete these manually once your issue is resolved
- when debugging the program now checks that the PSXVCD is in the temp directory and create it if it does not exist

- when loading cue files the application checks if the bin file contained within it exists so that CUE2POPS does not crash silently.
- adding check for updates which links to as various forums are now hosting the application

- custom paths can be set for elf files
- vcd volume / folder can be picked from POPS to POPS9
- when opening the about page all 3rd party tools are scanned to show the version of the tool. This allows users to install custom or updated tools (for example when a new version of popstarter is released)
- conf_elf generator replaced with OPL File Generator so conf_elm.cfg and conf_apps.cfg files can be generated
- OPL File Generator entries are automatically de-duped based on elf path
- when adding an existing OPL File each elf path is checked against current custom path settings. If they do not match the user is asked if they want to bulk update the paths to match current settings
- when setting a new custom path, existing entries can be updated to adhere to the new path setting
- duplicate names can be highlighted in red so the user can rename them. This is due to a bug in OPL not showing games with duplicate names
- using .net framework v4 client profile instead of .net v4.5 to support older operating systems (including Windows XP)
- downgraded binmerge to python 3.4 to support older operating systems (including Windows XP)
- recompiled binmerge to version 1.1

- changed application version so it uses 2 digit notation instead of 4
- now using 7z.exe instead of 7za.exe to allow full support when extracting RAR archives
- archives contained within archives are expanded recursively (up to a maximum depth of 15)
- conf_elm.cfg generator no longer adds .ELF to game names
- checking for valid extensions when adding or dropping files into main window is now case-insensitive
- when adding a bin file, the program will check all cue files in the same directory to see if any reference the selected bin file. If a match is found the cue file is used instead
- debugging improved
- fixed bug where bin files aren't copied to the working directory when a cue file is selected
- fixed bug where the VCD file was being prepended with XX or SB. This only needs to happen on the ELF files
- fixed bug where user wasn't able to select a root directory as destination
- initial release

W razie czego, tu można dowiedzieć się co to jest format dźwięku APE:***8217;s_Audio,

Obecnie występujący problem:
- Kiedy debugowanie jest włączone, pliki w folderze %TEMP% nie zostaną automatycznie usunięte.
Należy\można usunąć te pliki ręcznie. Powinno to zastać naprawione w następnej wersji.


Jolek 16.07.2017 10:34

PSXVCD by englishl1989 1.6
Ilość załączników: 1
Nowa wersja 1.6:

- CDDA tweaks
- changed the add directory button to scan the directory and add the items within it rather than add the directory itself
- app checks if cancellation has been requested more often so the user doesn't have to wait as long
- app automatically checks for updates on startup

- added error detection when reading and writing to disk to prevent unexpected program crashes
- added update downloader / installer as various forums are now hosting the application
- added support for tar archives
- added support for iso / img files
- added the ability to add a directory to the list of files to be converted
- added Monkey's Audio to tools directory
- CDDA audio in APE or WAV format is converted to a BIN file and merged into the final VCD file
- CUE generator has been updated to look for CDDA audio and generate the correct cuesheet required for merging CDDA audio
- when debugging is enabled the working files in %temp% are not automatically deleted - you should delete these manually once your issue is resolved
- when debugging the program now checks that the PSXVCD is in the temp directory and create it if it does not exist

- when loading cue files the application checks if the bin file contained within it exists so that CUE2POPS does not crash silently.
- adding check for updates which links to as various forums are now hosting the application

- custom paths can be set for elf files
- vcd volume / folder can be picked from POPS to POPS9
- when opening the about page all 3rd party tools are scanned to show the version of the tool. This allows users to install custom or updated tools (for example when a new version of popstarter is released)
- conf_elf generator replaced with OPL File Generator so conf_elm.cfg and conf_apps.cfg files can be generated
- OPL File Generator entries are automatically de-duped based on elf path
- when adding an existing OPL File each elf path is checked against current custom path settings. If they do not match the user is asked if they want to bulk update the paths to match current settings
- when setting a new custom path, existing entries can be updated to adhere to the new path setting
- duplicate names can be highlighted in red so the user can rename them. This is due to a bug in OPL not showing games with duplicate names
- using .net framework v4 client profile instead of .net v4.5 to support older operating systems (including Windows XP)
- downgraded binmerge to python 3.4 to support older operating systems (including Windows XP)
- recompiled binmerge to version 1.1

- changed application version so it uses 2 digit notation instead of 4
- now using 7z.exe instead of 7za.exe to allow full support when extracting RAR archives
- archives contained within archives are expanded recursively (up to a maximum depth of 15)
- conf_elm.cfg generator no longer adds .ELF to game names
- checking for valid extensions when adding or dropping files into main window is now case-insensitive
- when adding a bin file, the program will check all cue files in the same directory to see if any reference the selected bin file. If a match is found the cue file is used instead
- debugging improved
- fixed bug where bin files aren't copied to the working directory when a cue file is selected
- fixed bug where the VCD file was being prepended with XX or SB. This only needs to happen on the ELF files
- fixed bug where user wasn't able to select a root directory as destination
- initial release

7z MD5: 8f0f2662ba8e7fac9d8ec00b8a8cabbf

Jolek 20.07.2017 07:10

PSXVCD by englishl1989 ver. 1.7
Ilość załączników: 1
Nowa wersja 1.7:

- updated cue2pops.exe with a compiled version of 2.3 to prevent virustotal reporting false positives in the file
- fixed bug where some network locations got marked as 'not writable' even though they were (ACL check failing on network shares)
- fixed bug where program would crash if no files were in the list of files to convert

- CDDA tweaks
- changed the add directory button to scan the directory and add the items within it rather than add the directory itself
- app checks if cancellation has been requested more often so the user doesn't have to wait as long
- app automatically checks for updates on startup

- added error detection when reading and writing to disk to prevent unexpected program crashes
- added update downloader / installer as various forums are now hosting the application
- added support for tar archives
- added support for iso / img files
- added the ability to add a directory to the list of files to be converted
- added Monkey's Audio to tools directory
- CDDA audio in APE or WAV format is converted to a BIN file and merged into the final VCD file
- CUE generator has been updated to look for CDDA audio and generate the correct cuesheet required for merging CDDA audio
- when debugging is enabled the working files in %temp% are not automatically deleted - you should delete these manually once your issue is resolved
- when debugging the program now checks that the PSXVCD is in the temp directory and create it if it does not exist

- when loading cue files the application checks if the bin file contained within it exists so that CUE2POPS does not crash silently.
- adding check for updates which links to as various forums are now hosting the application

- custom paths can be set for elf files
- vcd volume / folder can be picked from POPS to POPS9
- when opening the about page all 3rd party tools are scanned to show the version of the tool. This allows users to install custom or updated tools (for example when a new version of popstarter is released)
- conf_elf generator replaced with OPL File Generator so conf_elm.cfg and conf_apps.cfg files can be generated
- OPL File Generator entries are automatically de-duped based on elf path
- when adding an existing OPL File each elf path is checked against current custom path settings. If they do not match the user is asked if they want to bulk update the paths to match current settings
- when setting a new custom path, existing entries can be updated to adhere to the new path setting
- duplicate names can be highlighted in red so the user can rename them. This is due to a bug in OPL not showing games with duplicate names
- using .net framework v4 client profile instead of .net v4.5 to support older operating systems (including Windows XP)
- downgraded binmerge to python 3.4 to support older operating systems (including Windows XP)
- recompiled binmerge to version 1.1

- changed application version so it uses 2 digit notation instead of 4
- now using 7z.exe instead of 7za.exe to allow full support when extracting RAR archives
- archives contained within archives are expanded recursively (up to a maximum depth of 15)
- conf_elm.cfg generator no longer adds .ELF to game names
- checking for valid extensions when adding or dropping files into main window is now case-insensitive
- when adding a bin file, the program will check all cue files in the same directory to see if any reference the selected bin file. If a match is found the cue file is used instead
- debugging improved
- fixed bug where bin files aren't copied to the working directory when a cue file is selected
- fixed bug where the VCD file was being prepended with XX or SB. This only needs to happen on the ELF files
- fixed bug where user wasn't able to select a root directory as destination
- initial release

7z MD5: 24a881d3cd25f14628b34198057b26ae

Link do posta, który "próbuje" wytłumaczyć do czego jest ta aplikacja:

admunt1 04.10.2017 18:01

Kopiowanie własnych gier z PS2 do formatu ISO
Ilość załączników: 1
Szanowni Koledzy.
Proszę o radę jak prawidłowo skopiować własne oryginalne gry do postaci ISO aby potem swobodnie grać na emulatorze lub przekonwertować pod USB na PS2 jak wyczerpująco opisał fera2.
Próbowałem różnych programów na przykładzie jak Alkohol 120 i ImgBurn itp. i zawsze proces kopiowania przerywał błąd.
Poniżej przesyłam opis błędu który pojawił się podczas kopiowania przez ImgBurn.
Pomóżcie jak poprawnie przekopiować pod ISO własne gry ?

Meanthord 04.10.2017 18:15

W dzisiejszych czasach szybciej ściągniesz ISO, niż zrobisz kopię z płyty :P.

Swoją drogą oryginału nie skopiujesz tak "po prostu".

Berion 04.10.2017 19:06

CRC sugeruje uszkodzenie fizyczne płyty lub niska jakość nagrywarki.

- - -

A dlaczego nie? Jedyna różnica w przypadku CD, że trzeba użyć mode2, RAW-DAO. W logu jest Tekken Tag Tournament, czyli gra na PS2. Czyli jegomość spamuje bo ten temat jest o zupełnie czym innym. ;)

Wszystkie czasy w strefie CET. Aktualna godzina: 11:23.

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