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Jolek 28.04.2017 14:45

[PS2] HDLGameInstaller

HDLGameInstaller pozwala na instalowanie gier PS2 na dysk twardy i uruchamianie ich bezpośrednio z HDDOSD (aktualizacja browser v2.00).
Zainstalowane tak gry pojawią się również w OPL w zakładce Gry HDD (HDD Games).

Program posiada następujące funkcje:
  • Instaluje gry PS2 z CDDVD.
  • Instaluje gry PS2 przez sieć z PC.
  • Zainstalowane gry mogą zostać uruchomione bezpośrednio z HDDOSD.
  • Zainstalowane gry można uruchomić za pomocą OPL (zakładka HDD Games).
  • Pozwala zarządzać grami z poziomu konsoli.
  • Pozwala zarządzać grami z poziomu PC za pomocą sieci.

Lista zmian:

  • Added a network status screen (Press SELECT to access it).

  • Games are now adjusted by pressing the CIRCLE button at the main menu instead of SELECT.

  • Fixed the loading of the IP address configuration. The file size was being retrieved from the wrong call to lseek().

  • Cleaned up IP address parsing code to remove the compiler warning.

  • The compatibility mode flags were being set and loaded from the HDL compatibility mode flags field. Should have been the OPL flags.

  • Changed the images from bitmaps to PNG images, to save space.

  • Cleaned up ShowMessageBox().

  • Added the German, Italian and Spanish localizations.

  • Updated mini OPL/diskload to the latest version from Bitbucket, as of today's commit.

  • Updated the SMAP driver (See the PS2SDK update for today).

  • Added a display for the link state and transfor mode to the network status screen.

  • The network status screen can now be accessed from the remote connection status screen as well.

  • Re-enabled program optimization. I made a change to the Makefile of v0.802, but forgot that optimization is disabled by default.

  • Added Dutch localization.

  • Updated the SMAP driver (See the PS2SDK update for today).

  • Updated the network status screen to display the MAC address and data that will probably help network debugging.

  • The Ethernet link speed and duplex settings can now be specified manually (Read the README file).

  • Removed power-off interrupt handling, since installations should not be interrupted.

  • The power button will not be usable unless the program ends. The console may still be switched off remotely from the PC client, however.

  • Game list now has the "pad button repeat rate" control.

  • Fixed misnamed German localization files.

  • Adjusted initialization code, since the homebrew I/O functions are not multi-thread safe. The UI will be initialized outside of the initialization thread, and the drivers that provide access to the supported bootup devices will be loaded before the initialization thread starts too.

  • Added French localization.

  • Updated SMAP driver.

  • Removed calls to sceCdStandby() and sceCdDiskReady() within ShowWaitForDiscDialog(), to prevent the program from freezing up on newer consoles if a disc is not inserted. sceCdGetDiscType() is the right way to determine whether a disc is inserted or not.

  • Corrected the GP saving and restoration macros within CrashReporter.c.

  • Updated Diskload/Mini OPL to the latest revision.

  • Changed optimization mode to Os.

  • With the update to fileXio in the PS2SDK, the I/O buffer of fileXio has been set to 128KB.

  • Added Portuguese localization.

  • Updated Japanese localization.

  • Increased TCP window size to 65535 bytes and the FileXIO RPC I/O buffer to 512KB, for enhanced performance.

  • Increased network transfer length.

  • The startup device will now be checked, and the program will quit if it was started from an unsupported device.

  • The program will now quit if the resource files (e.g. fonts) cannot be loaded, instead of getting stuck at a black screen.

  • The PC-side client (HDLGManClient) has been updated. Please update your clients!

  • Updated ATAD module (PS2SDK update).

  • Fixed installation of games that are 4GB or larger in size, on disks that are larger than 250GB.

  • Added a partition slice limit to HDLFS, as I forgot that the HDLoader game format uses a 32-bit value to record the size of each slice (4GB partition parts are the largest it can support).

  • Removed old, broken code from HDLFS which automatically adjusted the size of the game as data is written. To begin with, it doesn't do anything because the size of the game is recorded during formatting and can't be adjusted afterwards. It was originally there to make its write function behave like how the the standard write function would behave when data is written to beyond the end of the file.

  • Fixed the installation of the 2nd layer (of DVD9 games) from HDLGManClient. Please reinstall your DVD9 games that were installed via HDLGManClient!

  • Tidied up the server functions.

  • Fixed the logic of the connection state checking functions of HDLGManClient (Should now report client-server version mismatches properly).

  • Modified HDLGManClient to report connection losses instead of stating that the operation failed (Makes things less confusing for the user, as some connection-related problems resulted in error messages that suggested a hardware problem).

  • Updated HDLFS to flush the HDD cache when the partition is unmounted. While this probably does nothing (The cache won't be used if normal READ/WRITE SECTOR commands are used, will it?), I'm doing it to comply with Sony's specifications.

  • Updated art assets.

  • Increased the stack size of the client thread, since the server was freezing up on my SCPH-10000 whenever savedata icon is used for the installation.

  • Added a semaphore that prevents a remote installation from taking place, while a game is being installed locally on the PS2.

  • This program can now be booted from the HDD... as long as it isn't launched by uLaunchELF (uLaunchELF doesn't specify the full path to the program, when it's launched from the HDD).

  • The HDD unit will no longer be switched off when the program quits.

  • Updated to work properly with the modern PS2SDK.

  • Ported the fixes to the PS2SDK over.

  • Corrected old mistakes that led to an insufficiently aligned buffer being used for I/O operations with the HDD.

  • Increased the size of the buffer that contains the path of the savedata icon, which is used during installations.

  • Changed the icon selector's colour to light red and increased its opacity.

  • Added memset() statements to initialized uninitialized values. This gives a cleaner installation.

  • Fixed the problem with garbage appearing within the OSD title line 1 and 2 fields, whenever the icon data is missing.

  • Corrected logic errors within the icon loading code.

  • Greatly increased the number of buffers used by APA, which greatly improves performance when the list of games is generated.

  • Enhanced data receiving and transmission code, to totally eliminate the a possibility of errors occuring because the packet header is partially transferred (regardless of whether it's currently even possible or not).

  • Corrected a mistake within HDLFS: offset 4 is unused, while offset 6 of the HDLoader game partition structure is probably a version field and 0x1337 should not be set there. Thanks to l_Oliveira!

  • Increased the server stack size, since it was overflowing.

  • Updated DISKLOAD to Open PS2 Loader commit 025a6bb.

  • Updated to install OPL v0.9.3.

  • Updated to build with the latest PS2SDK revision and to have the fixes from it.

  • Fixed layer break value calculation.

  • Added support for reconnecting to resume an incomplete installation by the client.

  • Changed game list reading to read the HDLoader game information directly with a devctl call, to work around the performance issues that the APA driver struggles with when dealing with a HDD containing many partitions.

  • Updated to use the new NETMAN module.

  • Updated to use the new HDD module.


- Changelog for HDLGameInstaller v0.810:
  • Improved network support reliability.

  • Fixed automatic reconnection functionality.

  • Added support for compressed transfers.

  • Installed games can now be read back to the PC.

- Changelog for HDLGManClient:
  • Fixed and improved support for automatic reconnection.

  • Added support for compressed transfers.

  • Games can now be queued for installation.

  • Installed games can now be copied back onto the PC.

  • Improved network support reliability.

  • Fixed inability to delete game after a failed installation.

  • Reduced redundant code within server.

  • New I/O subsystem for (slightly) better performance.

  • Fixed loading of the game's savedata.

  • Improved network support reliability and performance.

  • Replaced fonts with the Google Noto fonts.

Changelog for the installer:
  • Game list will no longer be fully refreshed after a game is edited or deleted.

  • Fixed inability to terminate game copying via network.

  • Improved network reliability and performance.

  • Improved stability.

  • Removed support for compressed transfers.

Changelog for HDLGManClient:
  • Removed support for compressed transfers.

  • Improved reading method for MODE 1/2048 ISO9660 disc images.

  • Corrected inability to terminate game copying.

v0.814 - 2018/05/23:
  • Updated with the latest PS2SDK fixes.

  • Major UI rework, to utilize the newer code from my other projects.

  • Replaced old, redundant Unicode helper code with functions from the PS2SDK.

  • Replaced button icons with new icons from Berion.

  • Added new icons for device selection.

  • The select and cancel buttons will now fit the console's region.
    e.g. cross is select for US consoles, while circle is select for Japanese consoles.

  • Long titles will now be shortened when displayed on the games list.
    When the long title is highlighted, it will be automatically scrolled.

  • Improved network reliability and performance.

  • Improved server deinitialization code, which may prevent a crash when closing the app.

  • Increased block size, for improved transfer performance (256KB x 4 -> 4MB x 4).

  • Improved design of I/O manager, for greatly improved game reading (PS2 -> PC) performance.

v0.814A - 2018/05/26:
  • Revamped protocol to have as little overhead during file transfer, as possible.
    Opens port 45062, which is dedicated for data transfer.

  • Removed cancel button from remote access status screen.
    It is really challenging to make it work well.

  • Moved seeking to be done before data reading/writing is started.
    Resumption of transfers might have not been working correctly.

  • Attempted to fix texture rendering, of fonts and graphics.
    Forgot to add 0.5 to all UV coordinates.

v0.814B - 2018/05/29:
  • Corrected inability to reconnect if the connection is lost right before a game is copied.

v0.814C - 2018/05/31:
  • Updated with latest PS2SDK fixes.

  • Adjusted font rendering to advance the cursor based on input from FreeType.

  • Organized deinitialization code for cleaner shut-downs.

  • Replaced network status screen code.

  • Added flow control status to network status screen.

  • Converted hardcoded labels on the network status screen into translatable labels.

  • Updated translation template.

v0.815 - 2018/06/04:
  • Updated font-rendering for the soft keyboard and various menus, to work properly with the variable-width fonts.

  • Updated network protocol for faster game-list transmission.

  • Changed I/O strategy: 64KB R/W buffer, with 32x512KB ring buffer.

  • Added support for DHCP.

  • Added support for title-sorting (controlled from the PlayStation 2).

  • Added options screen.

  • Network settings are now stored in the HDLGameInstaller save, on the HDD unit.

  • Added IP address indicator to main menu.

  • Added free disk space indicator to the main menu.

  • Network Settings can now be changed from the options screen.

  • Changed internal game list format to store titles in UTF-8 instead, for memory savings.

  • Fixed booting from the HDD unit.

  • Added key-repetition functionality to the soft keyboard and menus.

v0.816 - 2018/06/09:
  • Improved rendering of button labels between half-width and full-width characters.

  • Fixed freeze when network connection is unavailable.

  • Updated PFS to correct creation of "Your Saves" folder.

  • Fixed save-file generation.

  • Settings will be automatically saved once the defaults are loaded,
    if the user never saved the settings before.

  • Improved network performance.

v0.816 - 2018/06/12:
  • Re-released with the corrected PFS and USBHDFSD modules.

v0.816 - 2018/06/18:
  • Re-released with the corrected PFS and USBHDFSD modules.

  • Re-released with the corrected PFS module, to allow the configuration file to be saved correctly.

Najnowszą wersję v0.821 (09/12/2018) można pobrać stąd:Źródła:Strona projektu:
  1. Klient PC (PC client) wymaga Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86).

  2. Przed uruchomieniem klienta PC (PC client) po raz pierwszy, zalecane jest aby dodać wyjątek do zapory systemu Windows.
    Ponieważ podczas odblokowania tego wyjątku podczas transferu, połączenie może zostać zerwane:

    • Dla Win XP:
      Start -> Panel Sterowania -> Zapora systemu Windows -> Wyjątki -> Dodaj program... -> Przeglądaj... ->
      Szukamy "HDLGManClient.exe".
    • Dla Win 10 (powinno też tak być w 7, 8):
      Panel Sterowania -> Wszystkie elementy Panelu sterowania -> Zapora systemu Windows ->
      Zezwalaj aplikacji lub funkcji na dostęp przez Zaporę systemu Windows ->
      Zmień ustawienia -> Zezwalaj na dostęp innej aplikacji... -> Szukamy "HDLGManClient.exe".

Jolek 11.03.2018 14:37

HDLGameInstaller-180310 BETA
Ilość załączników: 1
Nowa wersja poprawiająca wydajność transferu z PC do PS2.


Źródło i więcej informacji można znaleźć tutaj:

Jolek 13.04.2018 18:59

[080418]HDLGameInstaller-HighTxPrio BETA
Ilość załączników: 1
Kolejna wersja testowa próbująca zwiększyć transfer z PC do PS2:


Jolek 14.04.2018 08:37

Ilość załączników: 1
Wersja testowa 12-04-2018:

U mnie transfer wzrósł z (wersja 08-04-2018):

Na (12-04-2018):

dydel 14.04.2018 14:10

Siema, możesz podać jakiś fajny poradnik dotyczący instalacji HDD-OSD?
Czy warto się przesiadać z FMCB + HDD?

Jolek 14.04.2018 18:33

HDLGameInstaller-140414 test
Ilość załączników: 1

Napisany przez dydel (Post 1403477)
Siema, możesz podać jakiś fajny poradnik dotyczący instalacji HDD-OSD?
Czy warto się przesiadać z FMCB + HDD?

@Haker120 dodał jakiś poradnik:

Na razie nie bawiłem się z HDD-OSD, więc nie mogę nic polecić.
Chodzi ci o FHDB? Free Hard Disk Boot, czyli cały exploit jest na dysku, nie na karcie pamięci.
Czy o FMCB na karcie pamięci + HDD?

Jedyny minus FHDB to taki że konsola wolniej się uruchamia,
ale masz więcej pamięci na karcie.

Wersja testowa z 14-04-2018:

Czy ktoś ma lepsze transfery niż te (PC podłączony bezpośrednio z PS2):

dydel 15.04.2018 09:36

No pytałem bo ten programik co tu zrobiłeś mu temat jest dla HDD_OSD

Jolek 15.04.2018 10:54

Z pomocą OPL też uruchomisz tak skopiowane\zainstalowane gry.
Będą one w zakładce HDD games.

Jolek 13.06.2018 15:28

HDLGameInstaller v0.816.
Ilość załączników: 1
Wyszła nowa wersja HDLGameInstaller v0.816 (12\06\2018).

Changelog for v0.816:
  • Improved rendering of button labels between half-width and full-width characters.
  • Fixed freeze when network connection is unavailable.
  • Updated PFS to correct creation of "Your Saves" folder.
  • Fixed save-file generation.
  • Settings will be automatically saved once the defaults are loaded, if the user never saved the settings before.
  • Improved network performance.
  • Re-released with the corrected PFS and USBHDFSD modules.

Pobieralnia:Strona projektu:Źródła:

Jolek 18.06.2018 19:27

Wyszła poprawiona wersja HDLGameInstaller v0.816 (18\06\2018)
Ilość załączników: 1
Wyszła poprawiona wersja HDLGameInstaller v0.816 (18\06\2018).

Changelog for v0.816:
  • Improved rendering of button labels between half-width and full-width characters.
  • Fixed freeze when network connection is unavailable.
  • Updated PFS to correct creation of "Your Saves" folder.
  • Fixed save-file generation.
  • Settings will be automatically saved once the defaults are loaded, if the user never saved the settings before.
  • Improved network performance.
  • Re-released with the corrected PFS and USBHDFSD modules.
  • Re-released with the corrected PFS module, to allow the configuration file to be saved correctly.

Pobieralnia:Strona projektu:Źródła:

Jolek 28.10.2018 11:26

HDLGameInstaller v0.818 (05\11\2018)
Ilość załączników: 1
Wyszła nowa wersja HDLGameInstaller v0.818 (05\11\2018).

Lista zmian:

Changelog for v0.818:
  • Fixed hang at boot and when settings are changed, if Ethernet link settings were set.
  • Fixed saving of settings, when booting from the HDD unit.
  • Reading & writing to the HDD will be grouped, to improve performance.
  • Moved updating of game list to when the connection is closed/lost, to improve on waiting times between installations.
  • Fixed crash when the game list is updated after the connection is closed, due to the menu trying to access it.
  • Compiled with PS2SDK updates: new NETMAN module for better reliability. New USBHDFSD module for proper access of USB devices.
  • Fixed incorrect logic for reading game list at boot, shortening bootup.
  • NEW 2018/11/05: Updated USBHDFSD - improved compatibility with disks that have no partition table.
Changelog for the PC client
  • Fixed order of controls for game update form.
  • Success message will no longer be displayed if the user aborts a game installation.

Pobieralnia i oficjalna strona projektu:Źródło:

Jolek 17.11.2018 15:24

HDLGameInstaller v0.819 (17\11\2018)
Ilość załączników: 1
Wyszła nowa wersja HDLGameInstaller v0.819 (17\11\2018).

Lista zmian:

Changelog for 0.819 (17\11\2018):
  • Fixed the problem of the server getting stuck due to the close command being processed before all data is written, when a game is closed after installation.
  • Network support is now initialized earlier and its status checked later, for faster bootup times.
  • Fixed the design problem that allowed the remote client to access the game list while it is being updated at boot.
  • Font widths are now cached under the glyph atlas, to potentially reduce the lag when messages are first drawn.

Pobieralnia i oficjalna strona projektu:Źródło:

Jolek 18.11.2018 15:34

HDLGameInstaller v0.819 (18\11\2018)
Ilość załączników: 1
HDLGameInstaller v0.819 (18\11\2018) ponownie wydany.

Lista zmian:

Changelog for 0.819 (18\11\2018):
  • Game list will now be loaded once during bootup, to reduce the time taken for the first connection.
  • Attempted to make the data connection close gracefully regardless of the OS used, with all data successfully sent and received by the other end.
Changelog for the PC client (18\11\2018):
  • Attempted to make the data connection close gracefully regardless of the OS used, with all data successfully sent and received by the other end.

Pobieralnia i oficjalna strona projektu:Źródło:

Jolek 24.11.2018 21:06

HDLGameInstaller v0.820 (24\11\2018)
Ilość załączników: 1

HDLGameInstaller v0.820 (24\11\2018) został wydany.

Lista zmian:

Changelog for v0.820
  • PS2SDK update: fixed timeouts causing an overflow of the SetAlarm tick parameter.
  • Reordered code for disconnecting clients, to prevent the possibility of disconnecting a new client that reuses the same client slot.
Changelog for the PC client
  • Attempted to fix the problem with compatibility settings not binding at installation time.
  • Added timeout for the data connection, to prevent the software from getting stuck if the connection gets blocked.

Pobieralnia i oficjalna strona projektu:Źródło:

Jolek 25.11.2018 07:54

HDLGameInstaller v0.820 (25\11\2018) ponownie wydany
Ilość załączników: 1
HDLGameInstaller v0.820 (25\11\2018) ponownie wydany!

Lista zmian:

Changelog for v0.820 (25\11\2018):
  • Fixed the problem with semaphores not being freed when the client disconnects.
  • Fixed the problem with PlayStation discs being accepted as valid discs.
  • Fixed the problem with the error message for unsupported discs not getting displayed.

Pobieralnia i oficjalna strona projektu:Źródło:

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